Plan your time and make a to-do list consisting of everything you will do to look for a job. This will help you stay on task and committed to your goals.
Identify occupations by creating a background experience list to identify jobs that use your talents.
Take tests to find out about your skills. Brush up on job skills. Be confident and relaxed.
Prepare materials by assembling a job search kit that includes pens, notebook, maps and bus schedule (if necessary), clean resume and cover letter copies, applications, background/experience list, Social Security Card, and photo ID.
Contact employers. Review job announcements to determine how your skills apply to the opening. Go to companies to fill out applications whenever possible. Call employers directly unless instructed otherwise in job listing.
Prepare for interviews by learning about the company before your interview. Customize your resume if needed to better suit the job listing. Be sure to fill out all application forms accurately and honestly while ensuring everything is orderly and easy to access.
Go to job interviews when requested and dress appropriately for the interview. Be clean, concise and positive. Remember to thank the interviewer.
Send or take in person to the employer a typed, signed thank you letter within 24 hours of the interview.
Accept the job! Be flexible regarding salary, but do not sell yourself short. Understand job duties, expectations and work hours.