It is well known that smoking is dangerous to health. It causes death from cancer, heart disease, and lung disease. Secondhand smoke is harmful to everyone. Secondhand smoke has two phases. It is a combination of exhaled smoke from a smoker and smoke from the burning end of a cigarette. The first phase of secondhand smoke is a blue-gray cloud made up of many harmful chemicals such as arsenic, cyanide, and tar. You can’t see the second phase of secondhand smoke. It does, however, hang in the air long after the first phase goes away. That phase also contains chemicals that are harmful to everyone — especially children.
If you smoke in your home or car, your child is breathing in your smoke. Studies show that nicotine from secondhand smoke can be found in your child’s urine.
Your child’s lungs undergo important growth during the first two years of life. If an infant regularly breathes secondhand smoke, it may hurt lung growth and may cause a permanent decrease in lung function.
Smoking by the mother is also associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the main cause of death in babies between one month and one year of age.
In choosing child care, there is much to consider. One concern is whether your child will be exposed to tobacco smoke. Parents should know that smoking is not permitted in licensed centers or registered family and group day care homes. The Michigan Clean Indoor Air Act protects children who attend licensed child care centers from exposure to tobacco smoke. This law prohibits smoking on the grounds of child care centers, inside the centers, and in all related buildings.
Children in family or group day care homes are given some protection by a law that prohibits smoking when children are present. (Providers must also notify parents if they smoke in their homes when children are not present.) However, your child may be cared for in an unregulated home.(also known as a relative care homes) It is up to you to find out if people smoke at the home where your child is in care. A healthy environment for your child is your responsibility. It is also your right.
90% of the Urban League's Family Child Care Homes are smoke free, 24/7.
How To Make Your Home Smoke Free (coming soon)
I want to declare my home smoke free (coming soon)
Declare me Smoke-Free! Download the questionnaire and survey!
Quitting tobacco is a process. The first step is the hardest. When you are ready to quit, The Michigan Tobacco Quitline can help you with each step in the quitting process.
Want more information on Michigan's new smokefree law? Click here!
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