As a youth or young adult, you may not have the experience or training that other applicants may have, so the interviewing process is key to showing your worth. The most important thing to do in an interview is to sell yourself. Many people do not get the job because they fail to do just that. Here are a few tips to help:
When an interviewer asks, "Tell me about yourself," talk about your accomplishments, skills, and abilities, NOT your family, hobbies, or interests.
Explain what you mean by using examples or stories.
Look the interviewer in the eyes.
Be an active participant in the conversation.
Stay positive.
When the interview is coming to a close, finish by politely reiterating your desire for the job. Such as "Mr. Smith, I want this job. I can offer you (state your skills, abilities, talents)."
Demonstrate you have the ability to help their company.
Be honest. An employer will find out about your information through background checks, so applicants should be up front and honest about anything that may be of interest or concern to an employer.
The best way to prepare for an interview is to role-play. Grab a friend or relative and have them play the interviewer. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will feel in an actual interview.
During the interview, try your best to address the fears/concerns of most employers.
Convince them:
Never say anything negative about your former employer, even if they start sharing negative information. It may be tempting, but do not give in. It is probably a test. If you say negative things about your previous boss or company, it makes them wonder what you would say about them.
As part of the interview you may be asked for confidential or insider information regarding a former employer. Do not fall for it!
If you give confidential information about a former or current employer, your credibility and character have just taken a major hit. It is best to say only positive or neutral statements regarding previous employers. If they continue to ask, change the subject by saying you are not comfortable discussing confidential information.
Be prepared to ask the employer questions, as well. Avoid asking questions that give the negative impression that you are only interested in what the employer can do for you. Sometimes your questions will get answered during the interview, but here are some suggestions:
Be prepared with answers to interview questions. Here is a sample of some common ones that may come up in an interview:
Success Tips For The Interview