Dear Urban League Family, Client-Guests, and Friends:
Due to the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and as health concerns continue to grow, we want to reassure you that your Urban League is taking every precaution to promote a safe and healthy environment for our staff, volunteers,and client-guests. Our team has implemented an agency-wide response while adhering to recommendations by local health agencies and government officials. Read the Governer's Letter,
click here.
We are committed to being your provider of choice by ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone we serve.
Our Response:
In alignment with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) levels of risk-assessment for faith-based and community organizations, we will activate the following three-tier response:
Level 1- Preparedness (Sporadic Transmission Level)
ULWM Response: Monitoring and Education
- Continue to inform staff and the general public regarding the level of threat to our local community along with preventative resources.
- Engage in workplace illness prevention for our employees and ancillary workforce by encouraging common-sense health precautions recommended by CDC.
- In addition to our daily standard custodial services, we increased the frequency of cleaning throughout the day with an attentive focus on high-traffic areas.
Level 2 - Minimal/Moderate (Cluster Transmission Level)
ULWM Response: Social Distancing
- Implement a "social distancing" policy that will stop or slow the spread of highly contagious diseases such as the coronavirus. Our social distancing response may include reduced exposure to internal and external high-traffic events, strict domestic and international travel requirements for Urban League staff, limited attendance at community gatherings, and elimination of handshaking. View handshake policy flyer here.
- Prepare our team and community for the potential transition to a virtual service delivery model (Level 3), which may include limiting and/or canceling face-to-face meetings, events and traditional case managementservices.
- The Urban League will continue to operate and our main office will remain open until further notice.
Level 3 - Substantial (Population Transmission Level)
ULWM Response: Virtual Service Delivery
- The Urban League's offices will close to the public and in accordance with our emergency preparedness plan. Program and service delivery will be conducted through a virtual model.
Tips and Resources
Please refer to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and the
Kent County Health Department for continuous updates.